Light and airy.

Authentic, candid, and thoughtfully-guided.


Based in California

Light and airy — A style of photography achieved through strategic methods of shooting and editing that accentuates even lighting, clean backgrounds, and bright yet natural tones.

Capturing sharpness, feelings and moments, and all the intricacies between people and life.


I see every shoot as an opportunity to create something unique. Proactive yet easygoing, I ensure your photography experience is enjoyable and stress-free. I am committed to bringing your story to life through our shared lenses.


Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Editing Skillsets

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Editing Skillsets

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Editing Skillsets

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Editing Skillsets


Shot on canon

While photography doesn't only center on the equipment—many other factors such as lighting and composition are also important—I believe that using high-quality gear best enables me to focus on the craft and creative process.

Cameras and lenses are ultimately just tools in the art of photography. My considerations for essential characteristics of my professional tools, shared below, support my specialized style of photography.


MILC (Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera) technology

‣ More computerized, providing advanced subject-recognition algorithms

Full manual control over settings and raw image capability

‣ Adjusts camera settings to the exact desired brightness, color balance, and depth of field

‣ Outputs recorded sensor data into a file, offering maximum post-processing flexibility


High degrees of sharpness

‣ Professional-grade lenses, sharper at wider apertures to produce a shallower depth of field

Rapid autofocus performance

‣ Linear motor technology, allowing instantaneous focusing to capture all types of action sequences

Memory Cards

High-speed system support & backup

‣ Essential for cameras with large buffer memory to execute bursts and action shots

‣ High-speed compatibility with my SD card readers/adapters for efficient workflow

durability & ample storage

‣ I exclusively use fast, high-quality, and reliable memory cards from professional brands (i.e. SanDisk Extreme Pro, ProGrade)

Photography Skillsets

Thank you to these exceptional professional photographers (and more!) for their mentorship and invaluable learning experiences.

Their guidance has not only enhanced my technical skills but also provided insights into shaping my artistry.

Katelyn James

editing | consistency | posing

Secondary lighting, color and contrast awareness, skin tones

Rebecca Rice

mini sessions | business | marketing

Booking methods, business strategies, client experience, social media





Amy & Jordan

quality photos

Flattering composition, backgrounds and locations, lighting





Erica + Jon

personal brand

Client consultations, planning and logistics, shot list






As seen in


Ana Luisa

At Ana Luisa, we hold our jewelry to a higher standard. Because the best investment you can make is in yourself – and our planet.

Since our founding in 2018, we’ve worked to elevate the everyday of people around the world with Earth-friendly jewelry that lasts. We continue to challenge the jewelry industry by bridging the gap between quality, accessibility, and sustainability. We craft our jewelry to stand the test of time, making sure you know how and where your pieces were made, and guarantee your purchase stays within your budget. Our designs are timeless. Our quality is unmatched. And our commitment to the environment never wavers.

Partner since 2021